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September, 23th 2009
Porto Marghera: “the biggest European re-convertible industrial area”

Porto Marghera: “the biggest European re-convertible industrial area” The petrochemical pole crisis in Porto Marghera induces us to make a careful consideration on identifying a new development scenery which will be considered the biggest European re-convertible industrial area. The future of Porto Marghera has an economic and social importance, that goes beyond the municipality sphere and that invests in full the development sceneries and the regional and national choices of economic policy. Porto Marghera is becoming the focus of High Adriatic’s docker logistics, meant as the unique docker hub with different stopovers, from Trieste to Ravenna.

Porto Marghera is esteemed a natural and strategic logistic platform in the international shipping market, both for goods which transit from Suez to the Eastern European markets (4 million teu is the estimate for the next decade) and for the goods leaving from the north eastern manufacturing districts. It has the geographical features (nearness to way out markets and easy accessibility from the Mediterranean hub harbour) and structural features (4 kilometers wharfs, railway infrastructures and availability of unused areas). It is a place perfectly suitable for performing those full many “industrial” high value-added activities of final product processing, that made economic and occupational success of areas like Anversa harbour, for example.






Re-evolution s.r.l. Via delle Macchine, 2 30175 - Venezia (Marghera), Italy - PIVA 03778270276
Registro Imprese VE - C.F. 03778270276 - R.E.A. VE 337650 - Cap.Soc. Euro 10.000,00 i.v.
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